Thursday, October 28, 2010

Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27 (NIV)

Right now in Anatomy and Physiology we are learning about and memorizing the bones and muscles in the human body. It's so overwhelming and complex. There is SO much to learn.

The first thing I think is about is how hard this is! A&P is no walk in the park, for sure. It requires tons of studying, and then some more. It's hard to understand and probably at least half of the people who take it flunk out or drop the course. It's overwhelming, and only with God's help am I going to be able to pass this course.

But then the other thought, something much more overwhelming and completely amazing, is that God created this complex body of ours. Each muscle and each bone has a direct purpose and works perfectly for what God designed. It's so exciting to be learning about God's artwork and creation. What a blessing.

Last thought (and I really can't figure this one out): How, after studying the incredible and complex human body, can people believe in evolution? Or even simply not believe in God? 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tears On My Face

Like the rhythmic push of the tide
The waves reach the shore, they hit, they collide.
Then leaving just as fast, they subside
I hope they'll come back another time

Each time they come their power grows stronger
Pushing further up shore, closer to the heart
The waves they're overwhelming, but how much longer?
Will they stay on this shore? Not tear me apart?

Beautiful waves. I beg them to stay
But all they'll do is keep pulling away.
Maybe I'll see those waves again some day, 
But for now, all I have left are these ocean tears on my face.

Yeah, so....when I have a lot on my mind and I'm having trouble sorting it out I write "songs." They all turn out pretty depressing (go figure :P). Really, it's just poetry because there is no music to them, but hopefully some day I'll put them to some lovely melancholy music so people can feel sad with me. ;-) This is the one I wrote tonight.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


First thing that comes to mind when I hear the word "politics"? Hatefulness.

Everyday I get home from school, look through the mail, and see numerous political flyers bashing this candidate or that. I'm tired of it. 

These disgraceful smear campaigns are not in any way convincing me to vote for anyone, and they certainly aren't glorifying to God.

I have lost most if not all hope in politics. I don't know how people can choose who to vote for when everybody out there is so perverse. 


"We don't shake hands, we shake our firsts. We're cannibals; we watch our brothers fall. We eat our own, the bones and all..."
Relient K-Down In Flames

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thoughts: Prayer, Encouragement, God Being in Control, etc.

God has really been showing me how awesome he is lately! I mean, not like he never has before, but I've just been very blessed with great Christian fellowship lately and really great times in prayer and reading the Bible.

I feel like God has brought a lot of people to me who need encouragement and prayer because I need to work on encouraging people and praying. It's very cool to me how God has a purpose for everything! Everything in my life is happening for a reason and because God wants it to happen. That's so comforting and encouraging. God is in control and God is able. 

Anyway, if you have anything on your heart or going on your life that you need prayer for please let me know (I can give you some contact information if you want to talk)! I would love to pray with and for you! I'm really starting to appreciate what a gift it is to talk to people and pray with them and would love to exercise this gift that God has given us more often and more freely.

Lots of love and God bless.

"Something's in the air tonight, the sky's alive with a burning light. You can mark my words, something's about to break.And I found myself in a bitter fight, while I've held your hand through the darkest night. Don't know where you're coming from but you're coming soon..."
Mat Kearney-Nothing Left To Lose

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall--Synonymous to Beauty

Don't get me wrong, I love all seasons and most weather, but there is something unexplainable and special about fall. I can't tell if it's the heart full of memories and happy emotions from past falls, if it's the weather, if it's the apple everything, if it's the concerts and plays that seem to become more frequent, if it's the closeness that I feel to my friends during this time of year...? I'm pretty sure it's a combination of all. Whatever it is, it makes me so happy. I cannot imagine a better or more special season than fall. 

"You take away the old, show me the new and I feel like I can fly when I stand next to you..." 
Blue October-Calling You

Monday, October 18, 2010

No, thank you.

Let me begin by telling you that as a child one of my biggest dreams was to have my own bedroom. This dream never came true. For my entire childhood I shared a room with all of my sisters. When I became a teenager I shared a room with my older sister Caitlin. Was I never to have my own room to do with what I pleased? Would my poor dream never come true? Where was the justice? What a cruel world we live in.

I didn't think it would ever happen, but today Caitlin moved out, and guess what? I have my own room.

Not so fulfilling as I thought it would be. It's really very sad and lonely. I sit here on my king sized bed, yummy smelling, clean room completely rearranged, no sister telling me to get off the computer and go to bed. None of her clothes all over our bedroom. No overflowing closet stuffed full of my sisters crap that I put there because she wouldn't put it away. No one to talk to.

I didn't think this would be so sad, but it is. It is sad because it symbolizes growing up. I don't want to grow up. People move on with life. I can't accept that. I can't just move on with life and forget my past, forget all of my childhood and high school friends. It's too hard. It's too much to ask. I can't do it. 

But somehow everyone does, don't they? I don't understand. 

"I don't know why I feel so skinned alive. My thoughts are misguided and a little naive."