Monday, December 27, 2010

Vienna Waits For You

Every time I notice the clock hitting 11:11, I make sure to make a wish. Glancing at the clock and seeing that lucky time has somehow been becoming more and more frequent. It is now a part of my daily ritual.

I know it's not real. But every day I make the same wish, and it's fun to believe that it may, some day, come true. =)

Okay, so besides that silliness. The year is almost over and I am very satisfied with my life during 2010. So much has happened in the last year. So many good things have filled up my life. My heart is full and I can't think of any big regrets from the last year. God has been with me the entire time--through all the stressful freak-out sessions because of everything--through all of it.

My resolution this year is merely to become a stronger Christian. But there is nothing "mere" about that, is there? It's a big thing. Living my life to glorify God and making Him my first priority is nothing small, and unfortunately, it's not very easy for me either. But He is mighty, and very able to come to my aid. So, may the Lord continue my sanctification and bring me closer to Him. May I do my best in everything for His glory and in doing such strengthen my relationship with Him.

God bless you guys. Have an excellent new year!

"Slow down, you're doing fine! You can't be everything you want to be before your time."
Billy Joel--Vienna

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